Monday, November 13, 2006

This is a painting that I did for Orson Scott Card, for his publication, Intergalactic Medicine Show. It was a blast and it makes me really want to do some more sci-fi art. Most of the work I do is fantasy, this was a nice venture outside of my usual stomping grounds.


Ryan Wood said...

Nice paintin' Howard! I'm always amazed at the amount of detail you add, very nice stuff. I really like the palette you used on this one. Thanks fer updatin!

Todd Harris said...

you are inspiring Howard. I love the colors and comp of this one. Great post and keep them coming.

Dave McClellan said...

I'm glad you strategically placed the beautiful girl in front of the portly fellow's nether regions. She's a lot nicer to look at. Seriously nice painting. You are the "Painter of Tight."

Howard Lyon said...

Dave, Ryan and Todd. I scored a trifecta on this one! Thanks for the kind word guys. I really need to stop in up there sometime and see all the secret things you are working on.

Are you guys able to do any external work these day or would you wake up with a big mouse head at the foot of your bed? I haven't seen any fantasy stuff from Todd in a while and Dave, have you been doing any covers for Covenant or anyone else?

Thanks again guys, talk to you soon.

francis tsai said...

nice - yeah, don't you wish wotc did a big science fiction property?

lol at "painter of tight," that's funny.

Howard Lyon said...

Francis! Thanks for checking out my blog. SF with WoTC would be a ton of fun. I am going to have to find out how to do some more sci-fi. Actually, I am going to be doing some work on the Stargate Worlds license, so that should fulfill some of that. Should be fun. I haven't see much of your work lately. I am off to see if there is some out there on that web that I have missed.

Painter of Tight - hehe, that is funny. I would run with it, but I am sure Dave would make sure to charge me some kind of royalty on that everytime I used it. :)

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